Standard toolbar
Jan 9, 2009The toolbar consist of a row with icons on the left. Next to the

icon is displayed how many items are selected. On the right there is a quick filter for content and properties. See [result.quickfilter]
The standard toolbar has the following clickable icons:
Select all items in the resultset. If the message 'Not all items are displayed, maximum reached. Refine your search.' is shown after the search action, NOT all items matching the criteria are selected.
Deselect all items. The selection is cleared.
Reverse selection. This option is usefull to quickly select all items, except a few. Select the items to be excluded and reverse the selection. The same result is accomplished by selecting all items and deselecting the exceptions.
Rebuild the search result. If many items are added of properties are changed, the Search results-screen can be refreshed.
Hide the quick filter row.
Show the quick filter row.
If one or more columns contain a filter value, these values are erased.
Fixes the item column. If the item column is fixed it will not disappear from view when scolling the results to the right.
The item column behaves like a regular column and disappears of screen when the columns are moved to the left.
With 'Column options' you define a personal preference, like visibility, column width, the position in the list and sort order. Alse see [result.columnsettings.settings] and [result.columnsettings.sortorder].
Turns on preview pane. The result screen is split in two. The first half shows the items. Click on

and the content will be displayed in the preview pane. Use the cursor keys (arrow up and arrow down) to navigate through the list of items. The preview pane also has a toolbar with the following functions:
Open the item in a new full screen. Depending on the browserde browser settings this can be a window or a tab.
Enlarges the preview pane.
Make the preview pane smaller.
Turns of the preview pane.